An overview of the history and development of agriculture is provided.  A study of the agro-ecosystem is included and the importance of sustainable agricultural practices is emphasized.  The impact of climate change on agriculture is also covered.

This course provides coverage of the underlying principles of chemistry and physics in natural systems.  Emphasis is placed on the sources, methods of detection and impact of chemical pollutants.  A study of alternative energy sources is included.

This course highlights the importance of assessing the impact of developmental projects on the environment.  Strategies for the implementation of an environmental impact assessment (EIA), with some emphasis on environmental health impact assessment (EHIA), are covered including assessment of the need for mitigation.

An introduction to the interdisciplinary nature of environmental science is given.  The major global, regional and national environmental issues are covered with emphasis on the roles of environmental agencies in development strategies and policies.  The concept of sustainable is also introduced.

This course provides exposure to varied methodologies of research.  Instruction in the design and implementation of research projects is given including statistical treatment of data and reporting of findings.  A research project is included.

This course provides exposure to international and regional pollution standards and regulatory methods.  Environmental laws and treaties designed and enacted to regulate the discharge of pollutants into the environment are detailed.

This course offers students the opportunity to be involved in the practices of environmental monitoring and project management.  The course is designed to sharpen the research and oral presentation skills of the students and to bring to focus the knowledge base of the environmental science major.

The complexity of the structure of terrestrial and marine ecosystems is covered.  Attention is given to the diversity of Caribbean ecosystems and conservation strategies.   Coverage of methods used in ecological studies is provided and acquired skills are applied in a research project.