This course traces the development of the social, economic and cultural interactions, especially of slavery, between and within the continental areas bordering the Atlantic Ocean from the voyages of Columbus circa 1400 to the end of slavery in the British Empire circa 1838.

Major events and conditions of the period which influenced the transformation of the European colonial countries in the Caribbean will form the bases if this course.  Some of the major developments to be considered are the struggles for independence, United States of America involvement, economic challenges and cultural renaissance. 

This course seeks to apply the skills and techniques learned in HIST 112 in a systematic way to the investigation of Caribbean History.  A variety of opportunities will be given for the examination and analysis of a wide range of archival materials including written and oral accounts.

This course examines the United States of America’s territorial expansion as well as its technological and industrial advancement in the nineteenth century.  It explains how these contributed to the growth of national wealth and power. It analyzes how the vast land acquisitions in the West had disastrous consequences for the United States’ political and sectional balance and eventually led to civil war.

This course introduces students to the ideas of the European Enlightenment, and how they influenced revolutionary processes and radical movements in the Atlantic World during the eighteenth century.  It explores the social, political and economic factors which led to the American and French revolutions.

This course explores the major upheavals in Europe during the first half of the twentieth century.  It examines the causes and consequences of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, the rise of Fascism, the emergence of Nazi Germany and the coming of the Second World War.

This course makes a study of the Civil Rights struggle of African-American from the end of the Civil War to the 1960’s.  It will examine the rights granted under the Constitution yet denied in the post-Civil War era and the political struggle that accompanied this.  It continues by tracing how the rights gained during Reconstruction were eroded after 1877 with the enactment of segregation laws, by Supreme Court decisions, violence and other methods.  The Black population’s response to racism will be examined by looking at the role played by black leaders, the civil rights movement and black militancy.

This course will seek to answer the question ‘What is History?’ through an introduction to a Philosophy of History and its Methods of Operation. It emphasizes basic reasons for the importance of History including the profound lessons to be learnt from the past.