Performance Management is an integral part of your employment life. It help employees develop and grow, improve communication between employees and managers, align individual work to achieving the organisation's goals. It help individuals and teams perform to their highest potential.
In this course, you will be exposed to the performance appraisal tool the government of Barbados uses to develop and motivate public officers and to evaluate their work performance.
P.R.D.S. and You forms part of an Officer's orientation to the public service.Aim: To expose participants to the performance management tool used by the government of Barbados to develop and motivate public officers and to evaluate their work performance.
Target Group: All public officers who are not required to supervise or manage staff.
Aim: To expose participants to the performance management tool used by the government of Barbados to develop and motivate public officers and to evaluate their work performance.
Delivery: This course is delivered fully online and is self-directed with no facilitator interaction.